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Saved by Larisa A. Olesova
on January 1, 2012 at 7:08:55 pm

Getting acquainted with Yahoo Groups. Introductions


(Week 1: Jan 9 - 15)





Moderators: Larisa Olesova, (Yakutsk), Maria Bossa, (Argentina), Mbarek Akaddar, ( Morocco), Sharon Betts, (USA) 


Guest presenter: BJ Berquist


LISTEN AND WATCH OUR OVERVIEW (this link will take you to the VoiceThread site to see the introduction in larger format)

  1. Click the arrow in the middle to start the introduction.
  2. The arrow on the bottom right will move you to the next slide.
  3. If you click on my pictures on the sides of the slides, you can read or hear the information.





By the end of this week you will have






Task 1. Read the Getting Started Page - and explore the wiki


Task 2. Introduce yourself to the group in no more than 100 words. Send your message to: baw12@yahoogroups.com 
The video below will help you become familiar with Yahoo Groups.



Information to be included:

  • Your first and last name. You can include the name you would like to be known by.
  • Yahoo ID.
  • Institution where you work or study.
  • What you do.
  • Why you joined this group and the expectations you have.
  • Any additional info you would like to share with the group.


Task 3. Also copy your introduction into the Participants Page, please.  Directions are found on the top of the page.
The video below "Overview of PBworks Wiki", is very useful for newbies to wikis.



Task 4. Get ready for the first live session  on Wednesday at Tapped In. Watch the tutorial for TappedIn below.



Task 5. Post your comments about our session on the wiki page


Tools to explore

  • Our Wiki (Here's a useful tutorial to get you started)
  • TappedIn (Here's a useful tutorial to get you started)
  • Yahoo Groups (Here's a useful tutorial to get you started)





I have....

  • read the Getting Started Page
  • introduced myself to the group
  • posted my intro to the Participants Page
  • attended the live session/listened to the recording and commented on it
  • joined an office in Tapped In
  • explored two or three of these tools: the wiki, Yahoo Groups and Tapped In



Suggested readings for further information

  • Hints for Learning Online. (Learning on-line is a new experience for all of us; however, it is a way of learning that will increase in the future, as more institutions and organizations use the Internet for distance education. Does being a student in an on-line environment require new strategies for maximizing your learning? We believe it does, and we would like to share some simple tips to help you succeed as a student on the Web.)
  • Netiquette. ("Netiquette" stands for "Internet Etiquette" and refers to the set of practices created over the years to make the Internet experience pleasant for everyone.)
  • What makes a successful online student. Illinios Online Network. (Qualities for online students.)


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