"From Darkness to a Sparkling Connected ELT Community"
Saturday, Feb. 4 17:00 - 18:00 GMT
(Week 4)
Guest Speaker: Cláudio Azevedo (Brazil)
Coordinators : Fernanda Rodrigues (Portugal), Larisa Olesova (Russia) and Teresa Almeida d'Eca (Portugal)
Moderators : Fernanda Rodrigues (Portugal), Marijana Smolcec (Croatia), Svetlana Obenausova (Czech Republic) & Teresa Almeida d'Eca (Portugal)
Other mods present : Anisoara (Romania), Ayat (Egypt), Hala (Saudi Arabia), Helen (France), JA (Brazil), Larissa (USA), Maria (Argentina), Mbarek (Morocco), Sharon (USA)
Participants: Anita (Croatia), Arjana (Croatia), Bob (Poland), Catherine (France), Claudia (Uruguay), Gildeta (Brazil), Indrit (Albania), Lawan (Saudi Arabia), Halima, MaryanneB (USA), Notyetlanguage/Natasa (Croatia), Reem (Egypt), RosemaryR (Canada), Sameh (Egypt), SanjaB (Croatia), Tihomir (Macedonia), VeronicaA (Argentina)
Session Recording
Click here to listen to the recording. (You will be taken back to the Elluminate Webheads vRoom.)
From darknesstoasparklinginterconnectedcommunity
Joined on 4 de Fevereiro de 2012 at 16:55 Ayat [undisclosed]: Hello every one !! Moderator (svetlanaobe [undisclosed]): Hello Fernanda Moderator (svetlanaobe [undisclosed]): Hello Ayat lolesova [Larissa]: Hi Fernanda and Ayat Moderator (Session Leader): super, all clear!! kiratiho [Tihomir]: hi Fernanda :) lawandal [Lawan ]: you're welcome claudia Moderator (Session Leader): yes Moderator (svetlanaobe [undisclosed]): JA, good sound lolesova [Larissa]: Hi JA - yes very nice teresadeca [Teresa]: yes Moderator (claudioazevedo [claudio]): yes Me: hello everyone lolesova [Larissa]: very clear Ayat [undisclosed]: Hello Claudio !! Nice to have you with us here !!:) Gildeta [Maria Gildeta]: Hi José Antonio Moderator (claudioazevedo [claudio]): Thanks. Moderator (Session Leader): hi Ayat :) "Ayata" :)) lawandal [Lawan ]: hi maria lolesova [Larissa]: You also can try hand raise Ayat [undisclosed]: Hello Marijana !!!!!!!!!!!!! :) lolesova [Larissa]: during presentation - it is a good strategy catherineB [catherine]: I'm multi-tasking today. The France / England rugby match is just starting! Moderator (Session Leader): LOL Cat kiratiho [Tihomir]: yeah, Teresa, great pronunciation :) lolesova [Larissa]: Burgos is MaryAnn!!!! Moderator (Session Leader): yes Ayat [undisclosed]: hahahaha lolesova [Larissa]: Yessss teresadeca [Teresa]: yes Moderator (svetlanaobe [undisclosed]): yes joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: hi Marianne Moderator (claudioazevedo [claudio]): yes joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: ye Moderator (Session Leader): hi Maryanne helend [helen]: OMG the rugby match Catherine !!! lawandal [Lawan ]: hi maria indritB [undisclosed]: yes Hi Maryanne mburgos [undisclosed]: Thanks BobLC [undisclosed]: Hello Everyone, I am on silent again today becaue baby asleep in room :( lolesova [Larissa]: Marijana, could you remind for hand raise Ayat [undisclosed]: Hello Indrit, nice to have you here !!!!! helend [helen]: @bob babies are more important ! BobLC [undisclosed]: Yes live is best catherineB [catherine]: Better the baby's sleeping! lawandal [Lawan ]: hi Ayat lolesova [Larissa]: Hi Reem Moderator (Session Leader): Hi Reem lolesova [Larissa]: Hi my dear friend Sharon Ayat [undisclosed]: Hi Lawan !! Hello Reem !!! hala [hala]: Salam Reem reem1 [reem1]: Hello Ayat teresadeca [Teresa]: welcome reem and sharon :-) Ayat [undisclosed]: Salam Hala, dear !! sharonbetts [Sharon]: thank you - nice to be here. Ayat [undisclosed]: Hi Sharon !!! How are u ? hala [hala]: @Indrit.Was it your first trip to India? kiratiho [Tihomir]: hi Ayat! how r u? :) Ayat [undisclosed]: Are u back, Indrit ?? indritB [undisclosed]: yes, the first trip lolesova [Larissa]: Great job indritB [undisclosed]: yes finally indritB [undisclosed]: :) smilingmaria [undisclosed]: hello, sorry for being late lolesova [Larissa]: Maria - hi - we miss your smiles Ayat [undisclosed]: Safe !!!;) before any more pizza !!! teresadeca [Teresa]: welcome maria smilingmaria [undisclosed]: i was in another online session at CO12 :) lolesova [Larissa]: Questions also can be posted in chat area kiratiho [Tihomir]: :) Ayat [undisclosed]: Hi Maria !!!!!:) hala [hala]: @ Maria.How is your flu? smilingmaria [undisclosed]: hi sis :) Moderator (Session Leader): super Ayat [undisclosed]: Hi Tihomir !! smilingmaria [undisclosed]: much better but still coughing a lot lawandal [Lawan ]: hi smiling maria, welcom catherineB [catherine]: me too smilingmaria [undisclosed]: hiiiiiiii lawan :) Moderator (Session Leader): Hi Moderator (Session Leader): yes lawandal [Lawan ]: nice having you around Moderator (svetlanaobe [undisclosed]): yes lolesova [Larissa]: Hi Arjana joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: yes hala [hala]: yes lolesova [Larissa]: Yes Moderator (svetlanaobe [undisclosed]): yes smilingmaria [undisclosed]: yes, sound and clear lolesova [Larissa]: perfect Moderator (Session Leader): ok, thx sharonbetts [Sharon]: okay = it is very good Arjana_Blazic [undisclosed]: yes reem1 [reem1]: yes kiratiho [Tihomir]: yeah lawandal [Lawan ]: yes teresadeca [Teresa]: welcome arjana Gildeta [Maria Gildeta]: Hi Claudio I´m a big fan of yours Arjana_Blazic [undisclosed]: Hi Teresa, glad to be here with you :-) Ayat [undisclosed]: We are more excited, Claudio !!! lolesova [Larissa]: Hi Veronica joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: yes lawandal [Lawan ]: thanks Veronicaare [veronica]: hello everybody! Moderator (Session Leader): HI Arjana .)) Moderator (Session Leader): :) Ayat [undisclosed]: If you are new to Claudio's blog, then today is ur luckiest day and ur students' luckiest day too !!!!!! Woooo :) Arjana_Blazic [undisclosed]: Hi, Marijana :-) smilingmaria [undisclosed]: bravo :) helend [helen]: yes it was great Claudio !! Moderator (Session Leader): HI Natasa Moderator (Session Leader): yes np Ayat [undisclosed]: Hi helen !! Big hugs !!! helend [helen]: Hi Ayat :) Moderator (Session Leader): hi :) smilingmaria [undisclosed]: Hello claudia :) smilingmaria [undisclosed]: Hello Helen :) Moderator (Session Leader): Hi Claudia :) helend [helen]: Hi Maria ! Notyetlanguage [undisclosed]: Hi everyone:) claudia_carril [Claudia]: Hi evrybody Moderator (Session Leader): welcome Natasa! so happy you joned us lolesova [Larissa]: Hi Claudia Moderator (svetlanaobe [undisclosed]): Who are you Notyetlanguage? anisoara [anisoara] 1: Hello everyone smilingmaria [undisclosed]: Welcome Anisoara!!! Nice to see you here :) Ayat [undisclosed]: @Teresa, would u like me to say my words now or later at the end , with people's comments Moderator (Session Leader): my collegue rom Croatia :) helend [helen]: HI Anisoara lolesova [Larissa]: Notylanguage may be Natasa Ayat [undisclosed]: Hi Anisora !! Moderator (Session Leader): LOL LArissa anisoara [anisoara] 1: Hi Tere, Helen, Maria, Ayat Notyetlanguage [undisclosed]: I do use this blog:) Yes Notyetlanguage is Natasa:D Moderator (Session Leader): lolesova [Larissa]: Natasa - hi and LOL helend [helen]: Hi Natasa ! Notyetlanguage [undisclosed]: thx lolesova and helend:) lolesova [Larissa]: thank you for the nice introduction JA lolesova [Larissa]: we are going to enjoy the session again Moderator (Session Leader): thx JA smilingmaria [undisclosed]: nice presentation, bravo JA :) Moderator (Session Leader): lovely JA :) Moderator (Session Leader): Ayat will give you mic later :) ok Moderator (Session Leader): sorry smilingmaria [undisclosed]: Hello Veronica for the 2nd time today :) Ayat [undisclosed]: Claudio can go on and I'll commenta t the end, so as not to take more of his time !! Veronicaare [veronica]: Right, Maria! Nice to see you in so many places! Moderator (Session Leader): my two passions as well two my favourite passions Moderator (Session Leader): movies and teaching :) smilingmaria [undisclosed]: @vero... LOL!! I'm like Coke... I'm everywhere :) hala [hala]: now you are shaing it with the world Veronicaare [veronica]: LOL lawandal [Lawan ]: interesting blending! Moderator (Session Leader): LOL MAria, you turned into a real multitasker lawandal [Lawan ]: welcom mbarek teresadeca [Teresa]: welcome, anisoara :-) smilingmaria [undisclosed]: I'm trying Mod!! :) Moderator (Session Leader): Hi Anosara, Mbarek :) smilingmaria [undisclosed]: hello mbakek :) Akaddar [Mbarek]: Hi Lawan , hi all catherineB [catherine]: I know the feeling Akaddar [Mbarek]: Hi Maria :-) Moderator (Session Leader): Hi Sameh, nice you could come ! lawandal [Lawan ]: hello sameh Ayat [undisclosed]: Hi Sameh !! Arjana_Blazic [undisclosed]: me too, Catherine Gildeta [Maria Gildeta]: yeah Arjana_Blazic [undisclosed]: Sharing is caring! Moderator (Session Leader): true Arjana :) teresadeca [Teresa]: welcome, sameh smilingmaria [undisclosed]: cassettes... jees... that denotes MY age!! jeess :( BobLC [undisclosed]: that's why I am on BAW Moderator (Session Leader): casettes LOL joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: I remember cassete players catherineB [catherine]: still got some in some schools smilingmaria [undisclosed]: i still have them in many boxes :) teresadeca [Teresa]: and now sometimes technology has glitches :-) mburgos [undisclosed]: I like the phrase "bloodsucker effect" :) BobLC [undisclosed]: I chucked the cassette player out of our class last year! BobLC [undisclosed]: Now onto CDs smilingmaria [undisclosed]: @veronica & mod... attending, attending! :) joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: lol bloodsucker effect smilingmaria [undisclosed]: multiMaria :) teresadeca [Teresa]: same here, claudio. totally by myself Ayat [undisclosed]: After this session, we all turn into Claudio's blogs suckers !!:) Arjana_Blazic [undisclosed]: update yourself! I like that :-) teresadeca [Teresa]: at school. collaboratively with the webheads smilingmaria [undisclosed]: for sure, ayat :) catherineB [catherine]: that's how I've been feeling these past weeks hala [hala]: I am having this feeling now. Strange! indritB [undisclosed]: @Ayat, I already started to explore Claudio's blog joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: yes teresadeca [Teresa]: yes, i do Ayat [undisclosed]: It's unbelievably wonderful teresadeca [Teresa]: he's a dear joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: he is one of us lolesova [Larissa]: Catherine and Hala - me either teresadeca [Teresa]: i met ronaldo f2f in NYC Moderator (Session Leader): yes, what to blog about!? joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: finding a blogging topic can be challenging hala [hala]: Does this mean we are having "bloodshuckerism"? smilingmaria [undisclosed]: yes, tell me!!! :) Ayat [undisclosed]: Yes, itis !! reem1 [reem1]: that's our question Moderator (Session Leader): LOL Hala lolesova [Larissa]: exactly JA - I think that the strongest interest of yours could be a good guide like in Claudio's case joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: yes Larissa joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: It is about what ticks you lolesova [Larissa]: Exactly and what you can and want to tell the world lolesova [Larissa]: and it should be your normal life what you love to do hala [hala]: I stopped blogging and I am not happy about that. joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: about a passion lolesova [Larissa]: Hala, me either lolesova [Larissa]: passion should come first Moderator (Session Leader): Blogging is hard work I would say smilingmaria [undisclosed]: agree with you Mod :) reem1 [reem1]: i agree lawandal [Lawan ]: hala, bloodsuker Moderator (Session Leader): but if you have the passion all is possible joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: I am not proud about my blogs either catherineB [catherine]: blogging takes time at first - so really need the passion mburgos [undisclosed]: Will Richardson says the same thing. Blogging is hard! lolesova [Larissa]: JA, your blogs are amazing hala [hala]: bloodsuckerism should stop after baw 2012 joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: I wish I did it more often Moderator (Session Leader): thx Maryanne, didn't know that joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: Thanks Larissa. I really think they could be better lolesova [Larissa]: this is the biggest challenge JA and you are right. We need to devote more to our passion if we are going to keep the blog sustain sameh [Sameh] 2: I think it is about the motivation to complete it Ayat [undisclosed]: I agree Larissa. JA , u are doing a god work with ur blog !! joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: The absence of comments hala [hala]: lol lawandal [Lawan ]: lol joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: is a bloggers´ nightmare lolesova [Larissa]: Sameh, yes, motivation is the major thing to keep everything update, right? sameh [Sameh] 2: yeah what is after blogging? smilingmaria [undisclosed]: of course, larisa... motivation!! all the time BobLC [undisclosed]: It's really good when other people contribute or even if you know they are reading joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: That s when you reach bigger audiences joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: I had a blog in wordpress that received lots of traffic Moderator (Session Leader): Claudio has now more than 1000 followers , am one of them :) lolesova [Larissa]: Bob, it is correct when you know that people read your blog - it is rewarding and motivating Ayat [undisclosed]: Me too :) hala [hala]: WoW! joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: and some teachers started assigning homework for students in my blog helend [helen]: I follow claudio too ! lawandal [Lawan ]: great! joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: That was cool reem1 [reem1]: me too catherineB [catherine]: sometimes feel so little, I don't dare comment! teresadeca [Teresa]: fabulous, claudio!!! kudos lolesova [Larissa]: It is hard to deal with lurkers in your blog - smilingmaria [undisclosed]: wowowow... richard!!! :) lolesova [Larissa]: they don't leave the comments usually Moderator (Session Leader): Maria :)! LOL anisoara [anisoara] 1: I also used Claudio's blog for Crosscultural communication and law students Moderator (Session Leader): yes, nice activities BobLC [undisclosed]: If you put a counter on your blog you can see how many times it has been visited joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: Caludio´s blog is just practical joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: very handy lolesova [Larissa]: I demonstrated Claudio's blog to Yakutsk lolesova [Larissa]: it is good for busy teachers sameh [Sameh] 2: it might be about the audianc you are bloging for. joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: it is a life saver joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: my students love the movies hala [hala]: Do you think of "what to blog" DURING watching the movie for the first time, or do you think about the activity and then remember which film segment to use? lolesova [Larissa]: Sameh, the audience is important and if you know your audience it is easier to write for them - mburgos [undisclosed]: Why blogging is still hard joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: and the excerpts that Claudio chooses are perfect Moderator (Session Leader): thx for link Maryanne sameh [Sameh] 2: yeah I mean about making them giving comments lolesova [Larissa]: Maria, ty for the link joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: my students leave the class saying "I am going to watch this movie this weekend" Veronicaare [veronica]: My students also love movies. I prepare dvds for them and sometimes I upload some scenes (youtube). lolesova [Larissa]: What is nice we as teachers can record the segments and go to teach Moderator (Session Leader): you will enjoy Claudio's blog Veronica hala [hala]: WoW1 joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: 17.000 wow teresadeca [Teresa]: and whar a fantastic process, claudio! bravo! Veronicaare [veronica]: Nowadays, I wonder whether copywright laws may bring trouble... Moderator (Session Leader): wow, clap, clap claudio BobLC [undisclosed]: That's brilliant Claudio joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: i am sure adding to this number when I am preparing classes catherineB [catherine]: is that 10,000 from Bawers?? lolesova [Larissa]: Veronica, where do you upload scenes? Moderator (Session Leader): ok Claudio Veronicaare [veronica]: youtube Moderator (Session Leader): mic ayat lolesova [Larissa]: Yes Moderator (Session Leader): yes joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: yes teresadeca [Teresa]: yes smilingmaria [undisclosed]: yes Veronicaare [veronica]: yes Moderator (svetlanaobe [undisclosed]): yes Moderator (claudioazevedo [claudio]): yes hala [hala]: yes Me: yes hala [hala]: lol joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: hahaha sharonbetts [Sharon]: Yes, it is a wonderful blog - hala [hala]: blogsuckerism around the world! reem1 [reem1]: yes Ayat teresadeca [Teresa]: what a great comment, ayat! :-) reem1 [reem1]: specially Me joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: collaborative bloodsucking Moderator (Session Leader): thx Ayat :) teresadeca [Teresa]: congrats, claudio!!!! :-) smilingmaria [undisclosed]: bravo claudio! :) Ayat [undisclosed]: Thankss joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: very nice Ayat Moderator (Session Leader): meaningful context right :) joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: I love Douglas Brown lolesova [Larissa]: Bob thanks for the advice lawandal [Lawan ]: right Gildeta [Maria Gildeta]: sure Ayat [undisclosed]: Thank u everybody for this great chance !!! :) joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: giving and receiving sharonbetts [Sharon]: this is so funny - we sound like a group of BAW vampires. taking and giving is the BAW spirit Moderator (Session Leader): LOl Sharon hala [hala]: lol Sharon joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: The Bawer Diaries BobLC [undisclosed]: no prob Larissa, my blog was for students and I wondered if I was doing it for my benefit or theirs so I was able to track visits joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: written in blood and blogging Ayat [undisclosed]: I had visits from other teachers (not even English teachers) and they just got out saying we finally understood grammar lessons we didn't understand before at school !!!!! Moderator (Session Leader): good question Veronica, nice answer Claudio! thank you lolesova [Larissa]: I will put the counter and I may need your help Bob BobLC [undisclosed]: It's good to know this Claudio BobLC [undisclosed]: Will try Larissa Moderator (Session Leader): LOl jA "bawer Diaries!" sameh [Sameh] 2: I do not know that before. Veronicaare [veronica]: My question relates to these days, when things are getting harder... indritB [undisclosed]: guys I will follow you later, need to go to the hospital because I have gotten food poisoned in India.. cant wait to listen to the rest of the prsentation when back ... thanks to all and special thanks to Claudio joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: clear Moderator (Session Leader): yes sharonbetts [Sharon]: yes lolesova [Larissa]: yes joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: yes[ Moderator (claudioazevedo [claudio]): yes sameh [Sameh] 2: yeah Notyetlanguage [undisclosed]: Claudio knows cinema...that's how he can create such wonderful activities. Even without activities students learn a lot from films...and with the classroom tasks and involvement in all language skills the effect is multiplied:) anisoara [anisoara] 1: yes smilingmaria [undisclosed]: @vero... bravo... 2nd time online today !! :) lolesova [Larissa]: Natasa, movies are Claudio's passion and he knows a lot about movies, right. Moderator (Session Leader): love your comment Natasa! :) Ayat [undisclosed]: Oh, take care, Indrit !!! lolesova [Larissa]: The activities are really wonderful BobLC [undisclosed]: Good luck Indrit Moderator (claudioazevedo [claudio]): Thanks Gildeta [Maria Gildeta]: You are very generous teresadeca [Teresa]: i share your feeelings about not making money, claudio Arjana_Blazic [undisclosed]: that's wonderful, Claudio! Moderator (Session Leader): yes pls :) Veronicaare [veronica]: Thanks lolesova [Larissa]: How can you keep 17000 movies? Claudio. lolesova [Larissa]: or people - LOL hala [hala]: hits Moderator (Session Leader): LOL lolesova [Larissa]: Oh I see lolesova [Larissa]: how many segments? Moderator (Session Leader): 600 activities Moderator (Session Leader): wonderful Gildeta [Maria Gildeta]: Your activities are fantastic my students love them lawandal [Lawan ]: wow lolesova [Larissa]: and if blogger has any restrictions or limitations to store all your segments? smilingmaria [undisclosed]: wowowowow... you are a real movie lover !!! :) Moderator (Session Leader): true movie lover lolesova [Larissa]: Claudio, do you know how much you can upload on blogger - the capacity. Moderator (Session Leader): yes sameh [Sameh] 2: like me :) lolesova [Larissa]: 100 MB Moderator (Session Leader): less than 100 MB lolesova [Larissa]: TY Moderator (Session Leader): super we can continue sameh [Sameh] 2: yeah Moderator (Session Leader): I love husky BobLC [undisclosed]: Do you use a program to reduce the film size, Claudio? kiratiho [Tihomir]: loved this movie smilingmaria [undisclosed]: wowowwoow... it's nice to see richard again :) teresadeca [Teresa]: just shows your sensitive, claudio anisoara [anisoara] 1: Oh my god, love it teresadeca [Teresa]: maria, are you betraying Mr Tut??!! ;-) Moderator (Session Leader): LOL Teresa Ayat [undisclosed]: LOL lawandal [Lawan ]: really interesting! smilingmaria [undisclosed]: nooooo, Tut is #1, richard and brad come next! ;) joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: it is great when you integrate skills sharonbetts [Sharon]: personalizes and makes interesting. joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: my students enjoy the conversation part Moderator (Session Leader): sharonbetts [Sharon]: now I am going to watch this entire movie! anisoara [anisoara] 1: Me too, Sharon Moderator (Session Leader): yes pls watch, click the link I just posted kiratiho [Tihomir]: u should Sharon, it's a very emotional movie :) lawandal [Lawan ]: certainly lolesova [Larissa]: Sharon, there was a story in Yakutsk about Yakutsk Hachi and this story reminds me about Claudio Moderator (Session Leader): When done click on the smily face Ayat [undisclosed]: Marijana, is the mic on ! Me: my connection is too slow today :( Moderator (Session Leader): its ok Fernanda :) Sharon, Sameh you were fast sharonbetts [Sharon]: claudio has the mic joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: done lawandal [Lawan ]: seems very interesting! smilingmaria [undisclosed]: done joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: very nice segment sameh [Sameh] 2: not as usual it is my connection today anisoara [anisoara] 1: so impressive Veronicaare [veronica]: ok BobLC [undisclosed]: Excellent clip, will have to see the film teresadeca [Teresa]: lovely clip reem1 [reem1]: Reem my students keep asking me to see the whole movie!!! joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: yes, they do sanjab [undisclosed]: nice Moderator (Session Leader): I love that dog, lolesova [Larissa]: LOL Claudio lawandal [Lawan ]: :) joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: mine always say they will watch it at home sameh [Sameh] 2: yeah can i continue this BobLC [undisclosed]: Contextualised too Moderator (Session Leader): yes in context :) joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: yes lawandal [Lawan ]: really contextual, yes Moderator (Session Leader): np sharonbetts [Sharon]: yes, very good way to keep student interest lolesova [Larissa]: right Sharon BobLC [undisclosed]: I wish I had seen this last week Moderator (Session Leader): you were doing Passive Voice Bob? BobLC [undisclosed]: Yes Moderator (Session Leader): Now you know, :) lolesova [Larissa]: Bob, you can try Passive Voice with Claudio's blog as the follow up teresadeca [Teresa]: you can always go ovre it again :-) Moderator (Session Leader): Claudio has several fimls with passive voice BobLC [undisclosed]: but slowly with weak ints, good idea Teresa Moderator (svetlanaobe [undisclosed]): I am glad you take part in this presentation, Bob sameh [Sameh] 2: yeah this is creative Gildeta [Maria Gildeta]: How can you have grammar eyes tha´s the problem Veronicaare [veronica]: Claudio: it's been a great pleasure meeting you. Your work is wonderful!!! I really have to go now. Read you around! Moderator (Session Leader): you take a pic according to level for example BobLC [undisclosed]: THank you Svetlana me too teresadeca [Teresa]: absolutely, bob Moderator (Session Leader): Bye Veronica lolesova [Larissa]: Bob, you can download the word documents with all Passive Voice activities or ask students work from home and discuss in class joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: it is a good idea to work with passive voice BobLC [undisclosed]: Thanks Larissa hala [hala]: Me too. It wasa pleasue being here.Excellent content joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: it is a point that sometimes is difficult forthem hala [hala]: Will listen to the recording later Moderator (Session Leader): Bye Hala hala [hala]: Bye everyone. joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: bye Hala BobLC [undisclosed]: Bye Hala lolesova [Larissa]: Bye Hala teresadeca [Teresa]: bye hala and veronica lawandal [Lawan ]: wow! going hala? hala [hala]: Claps for Claudio hala [hala]: bye lawandal [Lawan ]: bye, hala Akaddar [Mbarek]: Bye Hala Gildeta [Maria Gildeta]: wow smilingmaria [undisclosed]: by hala joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: wow Moderator (Session Leader): once a week new activity :) Bravo Claudio anisoara [anisoara] 1: such a large amount of work lolesova [Larissa]: LOL Claudio BobLC [undisclosed]: That's brilliant Claudio teresadeca [Teresa]: yes, very funny, claudio. and very considerate of your followers smilingmaria [undisclosed]: there are millions of exercises!! joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: subtitles help lolesova [Larissa]: JA, yes, you can play with subtitles and then without smilingmaria [undisclosed]: of course, they do!! joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: sure larissa lolesova [Larissa]: Free is a magic word, Claudio BobLC [undisclosed]: My favourite word :) smilingmaria [undisclosed]: @larisa... esp for teachers! :) lolesova [Larissa]: Bob LOL mburgos [undisclosed]: Do students ever download worksheets with answers before you use segments? in class lolesova [Larissa]: Maria - exactly lawandal [Lawan ]: very kind of you, claudio joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: that is funny reem1 [reem1]: Reem thank you claudio joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: we do change students perceptions about grammar when we contextulize catherineB [catherine]: happy tears are good Ayat [undisclosed]: This other blog is just great !!! esp for writing topics !!!:) BobLC [undisclosed]: yet! Gildeta [Maria Gildeta]: It´s great as well smilingmaria [undisclosed]: but it will become Moderator (Session Leader): joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: I love it, too , Ayat teresadeca [Teresa]: it's fabulous, claudio! joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: It kind of taught me how to use videos for conversation activities sameh [Sameh] 2: wow Halima [Halima]: just tweeted:@Mbarek @IsilBoy @claudiothomas1 is the REAL teacher!!!I admire his UP!!! reem1 [reem1]: great!! Moderator (Session Leader): Today you posted RIO movie love it Arjana_Blazic [undisclosed]: wow!!! joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: Once in while I choose a movie and have them have a conversation before and after showing it Moderator (Session Leader): clap, clap smilingmaria [undisclosed]: bravo teresadeca [Teresa]: bravo, claudio!!! :-) Moderator (Session Leader): just posted all in chat catherineB [catherine]: wow, claudio, do you have any other passions like the movies?? BobLC [undisclosed]: Thank you so much for this Claudio teresadeca [Teresa]: thank you! :-) Moderator (svetlanaobe [undisclosed]): claudia_carril [Claudia] #3: Thank you Claudio sameh [Sameh] 2: can we use it in our classes? lawandal [Lawan ]: thank you indeed, claudio Gildeta [Maria Gildeta]: fantastic joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: clap, clap Moderator (claudioazevedo [claudio]): Sure you can use them Akaddar [Mbarek]: Great presentation , thanksa million Claudio helend [helen]: Thanks Claudio - that was great ! mburgos [undisclosed]: Claudio, thanks so much! catherineB [catherine]: A real pleasure to get your inspiration sanjab [undisclosed]: Thank you, Claudio lolesova [Larissa]: Bravo! sanjab [undisclosed]: Great presentation, Claudio smilingmaria [undisclosed]: how do you embed the movies? Moderator (Session Leader): share on youtube, then embed Maria BobLC [undisclosed]: smilingmaria on blogspot you can upload to post smilingmaria [undisclosed]: as you said you don't dowload from youtube kiratiho [Tihomir]: that's the question, Maria :) BobLC [undisclosed]: click on icon above text box smilingmaria [undisclosed]: yes, i know that but he said he doesn't download from yourtube lolesova [Larissa]: Maria, I know Claudio record using Real Player and then upload on blog directly smilingmaria [undisclosed]: ohh, thanks larisa Moderator (Session Leader): he uploads to youtube and embed a video from it then Moderator (Session Leader): ok thx Larissa, we will ask him smilingmaria [undisclosed]: he said he doesnt use youtube lolesova [Larissa]: No he doesn't use Youtube mburgos [undisclosed]: How does he transfer segment from DVD? lolesova [Larissa]: Using Real Player BobLC [undisclosed]: Dvd ripper lolesova [Larissa]: real Player can easily cut and copy the segments kiratiho [Tihomir]: Tnx Larissa :) smilingmaria [undisclosed]: thanks BobLC [undisclosed]: mburgos [undisclosed]: thanks Ayat [undisclosed]: I love Claudio's initial comments before showing the segment or the activity . Here's one of them "This movie is for children and teens but it has a great message for the whole family'. It helps alot and prepares u for what's coming !!! Ayat [undisclosed]: Thank you claudio for that !! Notyetlanguage [undisclosed]: It's his secret:D Moderator (Session Leader): LOL Natasa :) Moderator (Session Leader): will ask him Maryanne Ayat [undisclosed]: Yes, he gives links to his wiki in the segments blog Halima [Halima]: we like BRAZILIAN MOVIES VERY MUCH!Waiting 4 more of then at Your blogs!! Notyetlanguage [undisclosed]: I use Real Player to download Claudio's segments:) lolesova [Larissa]: Real Player is easy lolesova [Larissa]: Natasa - yes exactly sharonbetts [Sharon]: nice presentation - thank you Claudio smilingmaria [undisclosed]: what's your wiki? Moderator (claudioazevedo [claudio]): Gildeta [Maria Gildeta]: the sound is not good could you repeat it Moderator (Session Leader): Moderator (Session Leader): LOL Claudio thx for posting Moderator (Session Leader): originals :) smilingmaria [undisclosed]: wowowo.... i have books and you have dvds!! Me: Akaddar [Mbarek]: Thank you Claudio for your interesting and inspiring presentation . My question :Listening to native speakers is not an easy task for students learning English a foreign language . Are there any particular ( clear) English accents you prefer to have in the segments to avoid multi tasking for your students ? BobLC [undisclosed]: Thank you for expalining that Claudio Moderator (Session Leader): yes mostly teachers Notyetlanguage [undisclosed]: Oh, they wouldn't bother if it's not in the test:D lolesova [Larissa]: But the students can download if teachers want and plan right?> smilingmaria [undisclosed]: maybe the teacher can do it orally joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: they wouldn´t smilingmaria [undisclosed]: without showing the sheets mburgos [undisclosed]: Great answer! teresadeca [Teresa]: i agree, claudio teresadeca [Teresa]: about the student perspective BobLC [undisclosed]: That's a good thing getting them to study on their own initiative Ayat [undisclosed]: For the first time, students elicit the use and form and meaning of a certain tense directly after watching the segment !!! Ayat [undisclosed]: and they also remember it for ever !!! joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: students do not know whAat scenes we will use before class mburgos [undisclosed]: No, the answer was very good. Moderator (Session Leader): ok joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: it is uploded joseantoniook [Jose Antonio]: you upload the video lolesova [Larissa]: No embedding Gildeta [Maria Gildeta]: Thank you Claudio Your presentation was very nice. Akaddar [Mbarek]: thank you :-) Moderator (Session Leader): good question Mbarek :) smilingmaria [undisclosed]: totally agree, english is everywhere teresadeca [Teresa]: absolutely, claudio. different accents smilingmaria [undisclosed]: different accents make studens understand different english accents BobLC [undisclosed]: Make the task fit the student not the language BobLC [undisclosed]: If the accent is needed then probably for higher levels for exposure smilingmaria [undisclosed]: that's right bob! Akaddar [Mbarek]: sure smilingmaria [undisclosed]: authentical english!! yes :) Gildeta [Maria Gildeta]: The focus is on grammar rather than on listening. teresadeca [Teresa]: that's what's so good about the internet: authentic language smilingmaria [undisclosed]: agree with you teresa :) Ayat [undisclosed]: I agree claudio, it happens with my students !! Moderator (Session Leader): yes visual input :) sameh [Sameh] 2: I think I am going to use it this week I have a conversation coursse Ayat [undisclosed]: They can watch a movie now from a different perspective, authentic language !!! Akaddar [Mbarek]: Thank you very much Claudio Moderator (Session Leader): yes Moderator (svetlanaobe [undisclosed]): Thank you so much again. lawandal [Lawan ]: yes, great! kiratiho [Tihomir]: Thnaks, Claudio :) Moderator (claudioazevedo [claudio]): Thaaaaanks! helend [helen]: Thanks so much Claudio - lots of inspiration ! Moderator (Session Leader): becoming a blogger Notyetlanguage [undisclosed]: Thank you Claudio and moderators:) mburgos [undisclosed]: Keep up the good work, Claudio! catherineB [catherine]: fantastic! Akaddar [Mbarek]: Thank you Marijana and Svetlana :-) Great job :-) lolesova [Larissa]: Teresa you demonstrated in yakutsk Arjana_Blazic [undisclosed]: Wonderful, Claudio! thanks lolesova [Larissa]: Claudio's blog BobLC [undisclosed]: Thanks, once again Claudio, and also mods and everyone Moderator (Session Leader): thx Mbarek :) Arjana_Blazic [undisclosed]: Thanks to moderators:-) Moderator (claudioazevedo [claudio]): Great pleasure! smilingmaria [undisclosed]: sure, it was :) Moderator (Session Leader): thx Arjana :9 it was awesome having you all here catherineB [catherine]: When's the next time?? lolesova [Larissa]: 2013!!!! Me: Thanks so much Claudio to be here! Clap, Clap, Clap!! Akaddar [Mbarek]: :-) :-) :-) Moderator (claudioazevedo [claudio]): Sure!! Moderator (claudioazevedo [claudio]): Bye! Gildeta [Maria Gildeta]: Thnaks everyone bye bye reem1 [reem1]: Thankyou anisoara [anisoara] 1: Thanks and bye everyone Arjana_Blazic [undisclosed]: Bye, bye reem1 [reem1]: bye lawandal [Lawan ]: thank you claudio claudia_carril [Claudia] #3: Bye bye lolesova [Larissa]: Thank you so much Claudio rosemaryr [Rosemary]: Thank you very much Claudio lolesova [Larissa]: Thanks a lot Jose Antonio Akaddar [Mbarek]: Bye bye Halima [Halima]: THOUSANDS EDUCATIONAL tools ,but the PASSION IS ONLY ONE LOVE to movies!! Gildeta [Maria Gildeta]: in Campinas too teresadeca [Teresa]: lovely sunset here, but cold smilingmaria [undisclosed]: storm is coming in argentina :( lawandal [Lawan ]: thanks teresa, marijana, svetlanao and all Moderator (claudioazevedo [claudio]): reem1 [reem1]: thankyou lawandal [Lawan ]: clap, clap, thank you catherineB [catherine]: thank you and goodbye! teresadeca [Teresa]: bye, claudio! thank you again on everyon'es behalf here :-) anisoara [anisoara] 1: bye Ayat [undisclosed]: Thank you Claudio for everything !!!! sameh [Sameh] 2: this is amazing :) kiratiho [Tihomir]: bye :) lawandal [Lawan ]: thanks marijana lawandal [Lawan ]: bye:) Moderator (Session Leader): :) Lawan :) sameh [Sameh] 2: bye :) teresadeca [Teresa]: bravo, svetlana and marijana! clap, clap, clap smilingmaria [undisclosed]: bye and see you again later, smiles to you all from Maria :) Notyetlanguage [undisclosed]: thx marijana:) bye:) teresadeca [Teresa]: thank you both Arjana_Blazic [undisclosed]: Thanks Marijana, great moderation :-) Moderator (Session Leader): bye Natasa :) lovely you could come Moderator (claudioazevedo [claudio]): Great, Svetlana. Arjana_Blazic [undisclosed]: bye Moderator (Session Leader): bye BobLC [undisclosed]: bye everyone Moderator (claudioazevedo [claudio]): OK, I'll be waiting lawandal [Lawan ]: thanks and bye everyone Ayat [undisclosed]: Bye all !! See u !! smilingmaria [undisclosed]: svetlana loves music!! :) rosemaryr [Rosemary]: Thank you Marijana, Svetlana bye everybody smilingmaria [undisclosed]: bye to you all :) Moderator: bye Rosmery
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