

Page history last edited by Teresa Almeida d'Eca 12 years, 7 months ago




Rita talks about Google Docs and Google Maps


Elluminate Webheads vRoom: 20 Jun. 2012




Ayat (Egypt), Catherine (France), Fernanda (Portugal), Marijana (Croatia), Rita (Argentina), Sneza (Serbia), Stella (Argentina), Teresa (Portugal) and Veronica (Argentina)


Session Recording

The real session starts between minute 11:00-12:00. (You can drag the timer line at the bottom.)



Rita tells us about Google Docs to answer a previous question from Catherine


She explains Google Forms


Then she goes on to Google Maps and tells us how she's used them


Teresa tells about how she used Google Maps with her 6th graders (2nd year EFLers)



It was another great and enlightening session.  :-)



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